2-1. Palette

Manages colors, pens, and tiles.
Please click a part.

Chooses Color

Click with the mouse's left button to choose the first color, and with the mouse's right button to choose the second color. The first color is marked with a square, the second color is marked with a slant line. Click X to change the first color with the second color.
Double-click to edit color's value.

Exchanges the order of colors. Colors of the image are affected when the image's format is 256 or less colors.

Drag&Drop with holding the Shift-key down
Exchanges the order of colors. Colors of the image are not affected.

Drag&Drop with holding the Control-key down
Copies the color. Colors of the image are affected when the image's format is 256 or less colors.

Copy RGB Value
Sends the current value of RGB to the clipboard.

Paste RGB Value
Retrieves the value of RGB from the clipboard.

Load Palette
Loads a palette data from a text file or an image file.

Save Palette
Saves a palette data as text format.

Default Palette
Initializes the common palette data for full-color or high-color images.

Make Gradation
Makes color gradation between the first color and the second color.

Reload Pen/Tile
Reloads pens and tiles user made.
Pens and tiles must be BMP file, and must be placed in the folder named "pen" in GraphicsGale's folder. (ex. c:\Program Files\GraphicsGale\Pen)
Besides, the BMP must be a monochrome(1bit), the size of a pen must be 32x32, and the size of a tile must be 16x16.
In a pen, white area will put a color in the canvas. In a tile, white area will be replaced with the first color, and black area will be replaced with the second color.

Chooses a shape of a pen.
A pen can also be made.

Chooses a pattern of a tile.
A tile can also be made.

First/Second Color

The current colors.
Click "X" to replace the first color and the second color.
In the case of the image of 15 bits or more colors, a color can be copied into upper grid by drag&drop.


Adjusts a color value as RGB or HSL.
In the case of the image of 256 or less colors, the adjusting affects colors of the image directly.