2-1. Palette
Manages colors, pens, and tiles.
Please click a part.
Chooses Color
Click with the mouse's left button to choose the first color, and with the mouse's right button to choose the second color. The first color is marked with a square, the second color is marked with a slant line. Click X to change the first color with the second color.
Double-click to edit color's value.
- Drag&Drop
- Exchanges the order of colors. Colors of the image are affected when the image's format is 256 or less colors.
- Drag&Drop with holding the Shift-key down
- Exchanges the order of colors. Colors of the image are not affected.
- Drag&Drop with holding the Control-key down
- Copies the color. Colors of the image are affected when the image's format is 256 or less colors.
Copy RGB Value
- Sends the current value of RGB to the clipboard.
- Paste RGB Value
- Retrieves the value of RGB from the clipboard.
- Load Palette
- Loads a palette data from a text file or an image file.
- Save Palette
- Saves a palette data as text format.
- Default Palette
- Initializes the common palette data for full-color or high-color images.
- Make Gradation
- Makes color gradation between the first color and the second color.
- Reload Pen/Tile
- Reloads pens and tiles user made.
Pens and tiles must be BMP file, and must be placed in the folder named "pen" in GraphicsGale's folder. (ex. c:\Program Files\GraphicsGale\Pen)
Besides, the BMP must be a monochrome(1bit), the size of a pen must be 32x32, and the size of a tile must be 16x16.
In a pen, white area will put a color in the canvas. In a tile, white area will be replaced with the first color, and black area will be replaced with the second color.
Chooses a shape of a pen.
A pen can also be made.
Chooses a pattern of a tile.
A tile can also be made.
First/Second Color
The current colors.
Click "X" to replace the first color and the second color.
In the case of the image of 15 bits or more colors, a color can be copied into upper grid by drag&drop.
Adjusts a color value as RGB or HSL.
In the case of the image of 256 or less colors, the adjusting affects colors of the image directly.